Rx Info

Rx Information

Here, you will find all the details of the medications our doctors will prescribe for you. Please read them carefully so you can be more familiar with them and maximize their potential. We want to help our patients through the healing process in any way possible.

All this information is downloadable and printable for your convenience.

Advil 200 mg.

Generic Name: Ibuprofen


Also known as an NSAID, Advil is a nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory drug commonly used to treat mild to moderate pain following dental surgery. Advil will relieve pain and reduce inflammation and fever.

Instruction For Taking Medication

You may take up to 800 mg. every four hours. It’s most effective at relieving pain if taken at the earliest onset of the pain. To avoid an upset stomach, take this medication with food, milk, or an antacid.


An upset stomach is the most common side effect. If this persists or becomes severe, notify our doctors.

May cause drowsiness, dizziness, or blurred vision. Avoid activities requiring alertness if this occurs.

May rarely cause ringing in the ears or loss of hearing.

Inform our doctors if you experience any of the following while taking this medication:

  • Persistent stomach pain
  • Presence of black or bloody stools
  • Skin rash
  • Itching
  • Edema (swelling of the feet or hands)
  • Change in urine color
  • Vision changes


Do not drink alcohol while on this medication, as this could increase your risk of stomach or intestinal bleeding. It could also make you more susceptible to the undesirable effects of this medication. If you are pregnant or are nursing, consult your OB/GYN before taking this medication. Do not take aspirin unless you first consult with our doctors.

To provide comprehensive and safe care, we need to be well informed about your complete medical profile and history.


Advil may interact with other medications. It’s crucial for you to inform our doctors of all medications you’re currently taking, both prescription and over-the-counter. They will advise you of any changes you need to make while taking Advil if you also take any of the following:

  • Blood thinners
  • Warfarin (Coumadin)
  • Arthritis medication (including Aspirin or Methotrexate)
  • Water pills
  • Lithium
  • Ulcer medication


If you miss a dose, take one as soon as you remember. Do not take the medication if it’s almost time for the next dose. Instead, skip the missed dose and resume your usual dosing schedule. Do not double up the dosage to catch up.

Store at room temperature away from moisture and sunlight. Do not store in the bathroom.

Zofran 8mg. Tablets

Generic Name: Ondansetron ODT


This medicine is an antiemetic used to prevent nausea and vomiting following surgery.

BEFORE USING THIS MEDICINE: Some medicines may interact with Zofran. Do not take this medication if you are using apomorphine. Tell your healthcare provider if you are taking any other medicines, especially cancer medicines (cyclophosphamide) or tramadol.

Inform your doctor of any other medical conditions, including:

  • Liver problems
  • A certain type of irregular heartbeat (QT prolongation, long QT syndrome)
  • Allergies
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding

Tell your doctor if you’ve had an allergic reaction to another serotonin 5-HT3 receptor blocker (i.e., dolasetron, granisetron).

Instructions For Taking

Use this medicine exactly as directed by your doctor. Keep it in the container until you’re ready to take it.

With dry hands, peel the blister backing away and gently remove the tablet. Immediately place the tablet on the tongue to dissolve and swallow with your saliva. DO NOT take two doses at once.

Side Effects

Side effects that may occur while taking this medicine include:

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Headache
  • Tiredness
  • Weakness

Seek medical attention right away if any of these severe side effects occur:

  • Chest or jaw pain
  • Arm or leg numbness
  • Sudden severe headache or vomiting
  • Fainting
  • Fast, slow, or irregular heartbeat
  • Fever
  • Seizures
  • Severe or persistent dizziness
  • Skin tingling or numbness
  • Stomach pain
  • Trouble urinating
  • Uncontrolled muscle movements
  • Vision changes or loss

An allergic reaction to this medicine is unlikely but seek immediate medical attention if it occurs. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include:

  • Rash
  • Hives
  • Itching
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Tightness in the chest
  • Swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue
  • Unusual hoarseness

This is not a complete list of all side effects that may occur. If you have questions about side effects, contact your healthcare provider.


DO NOT take this medicine if you have had an allergic reaction to it or any ingredient in it. If you experience nausea or vomiting while using this medicine, check with your doctor. Tell your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Tightness of chest
  • Swelling of eyelids, face, or lips
  • Rash or hives

DO NOT drive, operate machinery, or do anything else that could be dangerous until you know how you react to this medicine. Using Zofran alone, with other medicines, or with alcohol may lessen your ability to drive or perform other potentially dangerous tasks.


If you plan on becoming pregnant, discuss with your doctor the benefits and risks of using this medicine during pregnancy. It is unknown if this medicine is excreted in breastmilk. If you are or will be breast-feeding while using this medicine, check with your doctor or pharmacist to discuss the risks to your baby.

Vicodin Tabs

Generic Name: Hydrocodone


This medication is used to relieve moderate-to-severe pain.


To prevent an upset stomach, take with food or milk.

Pain medications work best in preventing pain before it occurs. Once the pain becomes intense, it won’t be as effective in relieving it.

Follow the directions on the prescription label. DO NOT increase your dose or take it more frequently than prescribed.


As your body adjusts to the medication, it may cause:

  • Constipation
  • Lightheadedness
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Upset stomach
  • Nausea
  • Flushing

If these symptoms persist or become bothersome, inform our doctors. Notify us if you develop any of the following while taking this medication:

  • Breathing difficulties
  • Shortness of breath
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Anxiety
  • Tremors

Avoid activities requiring alertness while taking this medication, as it can cause dizziness, drowsiness, or blurred vision.

Do not use alcohol and other sedative-type medications while taking this drug.

Long-term use of narcotic analgesics can lead to addiction. DO NOT take Vicodin Tabs longer than prescribed.


Do not drink alcoholic beverages while taking this medication.

Tell our doctors about any other drugs you’re taking, including non-prescription medicine. DO NOT take sleeping pills, tranquilizers, sedatives, anti-depressants, carbamazepine, or other pain relievers without consulting our doctors.

Before taking this drug, be sure our doctors know your entire medical history.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, inform our doctors before taking this medication.

DO NOT take this medication if you have had a previous allergic reaction to the narcotic component or acetaminophen.

DO NOT allow anyone else to take this medication.

Before taking over-the-counter pain relievers or cold, cough, and allergy products, read their labels to ensure they do not contain acetaminophen. An overdose of acetaminophen can be harmful.


To prevent constipation, increase your fiber intake, drink plenty of water, and exercise.

If you miss a dose, take one as soon as you remember. Do not take the medication if it’s almost time for the next dose. Instead, skip the missed dose and resume your usual dosing schedule. DO NOT double up the dosage to catch up.

Store at room temperature away from sunlight and moisture.

Penicillin Vk. 500 mg. Tabs

Generic Name: Penicillin V. Potassium – Oral Solids


Penicillins are antibiotics used to treat various bacterial infections.


You may take this medication without regard to meals. However, absorption is best if taken on an empty stomach (one hour before meals or two to three hours after meals).

Antibiotics work best when the amount of medicine in your body is kept at a constant level. Do this by taking the medication at evenly spaced intervals throughout the day and night.

Continue taking this medication until you take all of it, even if symptoms disappear after a few days. Stopping too early may allow bacteria to continue to grow, resulting in a relapse of the infection.


This medication may cause an upset stomach, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting during the first few days as your body adjusts to it. If these symptoms persist or become severe, inform our doctors.

Notify our doctors immediately if an allergic reaction occurs while taking this medication.  Symptoms include:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Skin rash
  • Hives
  • Itching

Using this medication for prolonged or repeated periods may result in a secondary infection (e.g., oral, bladder, or vaginal yeast infections).


Tell our doctors if you have any other illnesses or allergies, especially to penicillin or other antibiotics.

If pregnant or nursing, this medication should be used only after consulting with your obstetrician.


This medication interferes with oral contraceptives (birth control pills). If you are using these, please inform our doctors. They will discuss other birth control methods to use while taking this drug.

Tell our doctors if you’re using tetracycline, as your medicine may need to be changed.


This medication has been prescribed for your current condition only. DO NOT use it later for another infection or give it to someone else. A different medication may be necessary in those cases.

If you miss a dose, take one as soon as you remember. Do not take the medication if it’s almost time for the next dose. Instead, skip the missed dose and resume your usual dosing schedule. DO NOT double up the dosage to catch up.

Store this medication at room temperature away from moisture and sunlight. Do not store in the bathroom.

Decadron Tablet 4 mg. 500 mg. Tabs

Generic Name: Dexamethasone – Oral


Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid. It reduces swelling, pain, and inflammation following dental surgery.


Take this medication as prescribed with food or immediately after a meal to prevent an upset stomach. Follow the dosing schedule carefully. This medication is given in two doses – take the first dose soon after surgery and the second one the morning following surgery.


This medication may cause the following side effects:

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Indigestion
  • Increased appetite
  • Weight gain
  • Weakness
  • Sleep disturbances

These effects should diminish as your body adjusts to the medication. If they persist or become bothersome, inform our doctors.

Notify us immediately if you are vomiting blood or have black or tarry stools.


DO NOT get a vaccination, other immunization, or skin tests while taking this drug without notifying our doctors first.

Before you take this drug, tell our doctors if you are pregnant, think you may be pregnant, or are trying to become pregnant. Do not take this medication if you are pregnant or nursing without notifying our doctors first.

Before taking this medication, our doctors should be familiar with your entire medical history, particularly if you have any of the following:

  • Liver, kidney, intestinal, or heart disease
  • Under-active thyroid gland
  • High blood pressure
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Osteoporosis (brittle bones)
  • Herpes eye infection
  • A history of tuberculosis (TB), seizures, ulcers, or blood clots

Do not consume alcoholic beverages while taking this medication, especially if you have a history of ulcers or take large doses of aspirin and other arthritis medication.

If you have diabetes, this drug may increase your blood sugar level. Test your urine or blood for glucose frequently, and contact our doctors if any is present. You may need to change your dose of diabetes medication and your diet.


Before you take this drug, tell our doctors what prescription and non-prescription medications you are taking, especially:

  • Aspirin
  • Arthritis medication
  • Anticoagulants (blood thinners)
  • Diuretics (water pills)
  • Estrogen (e.g., birth control pills)
  • Phenytoin
  • Rifampin
  • Phenobarbital
  • Macrolide antibiotics (such as erythromycin)
  • Ketoconazole
  • Neostigmine
  • Pyridostigmine
  • Ambenomium
  • Drugs for diabetes


Store at room temperature between 59- and 86-degrees Fahrenheit (between 15- and 30-degrees Celsius) away from moisture, heat, and sunlight.

Do not store in the bathroom.

Peridex Oral Rinse

Generic Name: Chlorhexidine –Topical (Mucous Membrane)


This medication is a mouth rinse that kills bacteria. It helps reduce bacteria and plaque build-up that may occur during the healing phase after surgery.


This medication is used as an oral rinse three times a day until the bottle is empty. Once you finish the bottle, you can continue to rinse with warm salt water until healing is complete. Swish a capful (one tablespoon) around the mouth for 30 seconds, then spit it out. Use this medication after brushing your teeth. Do not swallow.


This medication may cause teeth or tongue staining, which our doctors can remove.

You may also experience changes in taste while using this medication.

If you accidentally swallow this medication, you may experience an upset stomach or nausea.


You should not use this drug if you’re pregnant or nursing unless otherwise advised by our doctors. Please discuss the risks and benefits with our doctors.


If you miss a dose, take one as soon as you remember. Do not take the medication if it’s almost time for the next dose. Instead, skip the missed dose and resume your usual dosing schedule. DO NOT double up the dosage to catch up.

Store at room temperature below 77-degrees Fahrenheit (25-degrees Celsius). Do not freeze.

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