Oral Cancer Screening

Oral Cancer Screening

Routine checkups at the dentist involve more than your smile. These visits should also include an oral cancer screening, where a dental professional examines your face and mouth for signs of oral cancer. Count on La Cantera Dental Group to do everything we can to ensure your complete and total health.

Facts About Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is the uncontrollable growth of cells in and around your oral cavity. This can invade and cause damage to the surrounding tissues. It’s crucial to diagnose and treat early on to prevent life-threatening complications.

Below are some other fast facts about oral cancer:

  • Oral cancer is more common in those over 40
  • Those who smoke or drink excessively are at greater risk
  • Excessive sun exposure can also increase your risk
  • Oral cancer is divided into stages

What to Expect During an Oral Cancer Screening

Your oral cancer screening will consist of a visual and physical examination. The visual exam involves your dentist observing your face, neck, lips, cheeks, jaw, and oral cavity for abnormalities. You will need to take out any removable dental appliances so we can examine your entire mouth.

During the physical exam, your dentist will feel the areas they previously observed for any masses or lumps. The entire process takes less than five minutes.

Reducing Your Risk of Developing Oral Cancer

Fortunately, there is plenty you can do to reduce your risk of getting oral cancer. Some of these may include:

  • Quit smoking
  • Limit alcoholic beverages
  • Wear SPF lip balm or a wide-brim hat in the sun
  • Protect yourself from getting HPV
  • Get regular screenings from the dentist

Do You Need an Oral Cancer Screening?

Oral cancer screenings are quick and could save your life. Next time you visit La Cantera Dental Group, don’t forget to ask about getting one. Call us today if you have any other questions! We have one office on La Cantera Pkwy and another at the Park Oaks Center.

Dental assistant holding a tablet device while talking to another dental assistant.

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La Cantera Dental Group